系所評鑑報告書 生涯歷程管理檔案 學雜費資訊 生涯歷程管理檔案

曾怡潔 助理教授

■學  歷:

2005.09∼2013.06 國防醫學院生命科學研究所/博士

2001.09∼2003.06 國立陽明大學遺傳學研究所/碩士

1997.09∼2001.06 國立成功大學生物系 / 學士

■專  長: 植物逆境生理、植物基因轉殖與育種

■經  歷:

2019.02~迄今 中國文化大學生命科學系 助理教授

2016.01∼2019.01 中央研究院植物暨微生物研究所/博士後研究員

2014.08∼2015.12 國立中興大學國際水稻基因組功能性研究中心/博士後研究員

2004.09∼2005.06 中央研究院植物暨微生物研究所/研究助理


■研究室:大義館536 (電話) 02-2861-0511#26235








■著         作:


Tseng, I-C, Hong, C-Y, Yu, S-M, and Ho, T-H D. Abscisic acid- and stress- induced highly proline-rich glycoproteins regulate root growth in rice. Plant Physiology 163: 118–134, 2013 (SCI)

Chen, W. H., Tseng, I. C., Tsai, W. C., Chiang, M. S., Chen, Y. H., Chen, H. H. AFLP fingerprinting and conversion to STS markers for identification of Oncidium cultivars. Journal of Horticulture Science and Biotechnology 81: 791-796, 2006 (SCI)

Chen, W. H., Tseng, I. C., Tsai, W. C., Chiang, M. S., Chen, Y. H., Chen, H. H. (2006) AFLP fingerprinting and conversion to STS markers for identification of Oncidium cultivars. Journal of Horticulture Science and Biotechnology, 81, 791-796.



博士論文:A group of novel ABA/stress induced highly proline-rich glycoproteins regulate rice root growth

碩士論文:A 3bp mini-exon in homothorax gene in Drosophila melanogaster


研討會發表(Conference presentation)

Tseng I-Chieh, Hong, Chwan-Yang and Ho Tuan-Hua David (2013, Jul). Role of a novel ABA/stress regulated highly proline-rich glycoprotein with PX1PX2 motifs in mediating root growth in rice. Plant Biology 2013, Providence, Rhode Island.

Tseng I-Chieh, Hong Chwan-Yang and Ho Tuan-Hua David (2012, Nov). Role of ABA/stress regulated OsRePRP genes in mediating growth in rice plants. 10th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics, Chiang mai, Thailand.

Tseng I-Chieh, Hong Chwan-Yang and Ho Tuan-Hua David (2010, Jul). Role of ABA/stress regulated OsRePRP genes in mediating growth in rice plants. Plant Biology 2010, Montreal, Canada.

Hong Chwan-Yang, Tseng I-Chieh, Yu Su-May and Ho Tuan-hua David (2005, Jul). Design and construction of novel promoters for controlling expression of transgenes in plants. Plant Biology 2005.


1. Inventors: Tuan-Hua David Ho, I-Chieh Tseng, Su-May Yu, Topics: Method for improving stress tolerance of plants United States patent application (#15923288) in progress (2018, June) 
